Ocean City Fishing Club 55th Annual Surf Fishing Tournament


Early Registration 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.

Ocean City Intermediate School

1801 Bay Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226


*Second Session (YOUTH) Registration 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.



Teams:              $70 per team (maximum of six people per team)

Individuals:       $15 per person, children under 18 free registration & lunch


First Fishing Session                 7:00 AM to 9:30 AM

Break                                      9:30 AM to 10:00 AM

Second Fishing Session           10:00 AM to 12:30 PM


Mail Registration and payment to:

OCFC, Attn: Tournament Chairman

P.O. Box 1215, Ocean City, NJ 08226


Online registration available: Individual registration for 18 and older, Youth registration (under 18 years), Team Registration


For more information: New to tournament fishing?


Ed Parkinson (Chairperson) 215-680-6652, email eparkinson718@gmail.com

Rich Dougherty (Co-chair)   443-910-1275, email rich@ddengineering.com

Tyler Daley might be interested, if yes I will insert his info.


Friends and Families are invited to participate. Youths are invited to fish the first, second, or both sessions. Parents may assist the angler (youth assist) with baiting and casting. Teams will consist of up to six anglers. For more information about tournament fishing, visit

After the second session, all anglers are invited to the Ocean City Intermediate School located at 1801 Bay Ave, Ocean City, for free lunch with awards & raffles.


➢   Awards for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place teams

➢   Awards for individuals

➢   Awards for youth

➢   Calcutta for most points and largest scoring fish  

ASAC Approved Tournament